February newsletter is out. Guys if you’d like a copy of this monthly newsletter sent to your personal mailbox, please let me know with your email, address.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Finally, after over four years of muttering, talking, imagining, a new CAD file and and finally new mould making, the Aeroic electric models are out. Prototypes of the Corsa, Forza and Sessanta are boxed up and en route to the US of A. Red will be fitting out and reporting on the Forza while two well qualified guys will be assembling and trial flying the Corsa and Sessanata. It should be a lot of fun! We’ll be posting test results and a lot more pictures here and on the forums as the E project progresses.
The fuselages of the Corsa, Forza and Sessanta have been completely re-designed and re-moulded to take large motors and battery loads but as you can see are still pretty sleek. Key point is, there is room for a large selection of motors and batteries ranging from a slow thermal seeker to an all out ninety-degree climb Hotliner.
The base glider models have all been around a while now and all fly very well indeed according to flyers comments, and so we expect the electric models, boosted with an added “grunt in the front” to go very well too.
Happily, this makes all of the Aeroic range, bar the Spada GoFast model - and we are working on that - now with electric versions or easily convertible to electric power.
Note - it is possible that these models or at least a couple might be seen at the
“World R/C Soaring Festival”
SkyPark R/C Glider Port
June 29 & 30 SkyPark at Santa’s Village
Yeah baby!
Hi Guys, some new colors are coming in 2025. Remember that these colors can be used on any of our models.
June 1, 2024
Important news announcement.
But first, a big hi to all of our friends out there!
Aeroic Dealerships:
Just to let you all know that as of June 1st 2024, Aeroic will no longer be represented solely by Aloft Hobbies in Novato, Ca as an exclusive distributor for the entire USA territory.
Aeroic is rapidly moving into a new phase of growth and development, and so we are moving away from the original Distributorship model to a Dealer-based network. This is one of the positive changes that have been made in order to best address our growing customer base, and we hope it will result in broader coverage of the business in the USA. Aloft will remain as a Dealer and will continue to stock and sell Aeroic models on the West Coast.
A Dealers list will be put up on this website as soon as the details have been settled down.
Country Management:
In another positive change, Red Jensen will be Aeroic Operations Director and will manage and handle all things associated with Aeroic business in the USA. As you all will now, Red is very active and highly experienced in model gliders, and as well as the business stuff he’ll be happy to handle your questions and give help where required.
James Hammond
May 10th, 2024
The prototype Toccata has flown! Quick and agile, it’s sure to be a favorite! Read more about in and some new projects in the newsletter. Head over to the contact page to subscribe!
May 9th, 2024
The E-Models are out!
Yes, finally, the electric fuselages for the Sessanta, Forza and Corsa have been made. This makes the entire Aeroic range with the exception of the Spada GoFast 118 available or convertible as electric models.
Note: these are not conversions. I have completely redesigned and re-moulded all of the fuselages to be a little wider to take those big steaming hot batteries and motors that some flyers like, and of course with the front ends open for spinners:
Sessanta (S60) = 32mm, Forza SF100 = 34mm, Corsa C108 = 38mm
Test reports will be coming as soon as we can do them, but meanwhile talk to your friendly neighbourhood Aeroic Distributor.
The prototype Toccata has arrived in the USA!
First impressions are it's sweet! The fit is superb, everything is nice and tight as it should be. The canopy retention pin is done already. I know that can be a chore that some including me loath to tackle, no tape here! I like that the aileron servo pocket is moved inboard closer to the flap pocket. This gives a tiny bit more room to fit your linkage type of choice without stress. The aileron, flap and rudder horns are nicely bonded in and have the proper clearance ready to accept pushrods and clevis. All the surfaces have molded in wipers with no binding. The joiner is what is now typical across the Aeroic line, a very stout rectangular unit that is far stronger than it needs to be. One nice touch that many overlook is that while the dihedral angle is molded into the joiner, it also has a flat spot where it passes through the fuse. It may not seem like a big deal to some, but this is nice in that the spare finds "home" centered in the fuse when joining the wings and doesn't flop about.
The rudder and elevator servos are in the tail, which is somewhat unusual for this size plane. The elevator is separate from the horizontal stabilizer (it was an all moving tail before) using 2 carbon rod joiners and a wire between the elevator halves for actuation. There is a large opening to fit the servos, the recommended 8mm ones should fit nicely. What this also means is that the largish fuselage only needs to house the Rx and battery as far as equipment goes, so the included ballast tube can be installed accessed with less stuff in the way. This is a big bonus for me. The fuselage is 2.4GHz friendly of course from the wing forward, and carries a little more girth through the wing making the tail boom a very stiff affair. Plenty of room for even the largest of gear.
One thing to note, the nose is perfectly round, so those of you who want an E-powered machine only need to cut it off to match your spinner and add a firewall.
This will be my son Ryan's first molded build. I am going to let him do as much as possible. The aim is to have it at the Sunset, Ca Camp n Fly event first weekend in May, so if you want to give it a rip, look us up!
Important Announcement:
New Aeroic Composites Partner, Red Jensen.
Hi Guys, Aeroic Composites is extremely happy to report that we have a new Partner; Red Jensen, a figure whom I am sure most of you know personally or by reputation. From now, in cooperation with Aloft Hobbies who will remain the North American Distributor, importer and logistics outlet, Red will handle all sales, model demonstration/test fly and and technical enquiries for Aeroic Composites.
A Short Bio:
Red has been an avid modeler all his life from one end of the hobby, as a sub-teen flier to the other extreme being actively involved in the model business.
Running the Dale Reed Subscale Flight Research Lab at NASA Armstrong’s Flight Research Center at Edwards AFB, and as Chief Subscale pilot, Red is involved in advanced aviation technology on a day-to-day basis and is very well versed in Aerodynamics, Aerospace structural and flight theory and is often the test pilot for new and highly advanced projects developed at the center.
All of this obviously makes him just about the ideal candidate to explain the technical stuff, and advise Aeroic Composites customers.
Red is also a qualified Private Pilot, a Reno Air Racing F-1 team crew chief, and is in the advanced stages of constructing his own racing airframe, the Impulse IF-1:
Contact Red at: RedTheAlien@Gmail.com
Aloft Hobbies/Aeroic Composites:
Aloft has been the Aeroic distributor for North America many years, and will continue to handle the import, stocking and logistics side of the operation.
Red, one-man dedicated sales “team” if you will and in that capacity, he will answer all of your technical questions, give you the advice you need to make choices, and assist with your orders. Red is honest and unbiased in his advice and if he thinks a model from another designer might be better for you, then he will tell you so.
You’ll be able to see Red, his assistants, and some of our models at various events throughout the year as they turn up, and not only that, there will be Aeroic’s newest demo models for you look at, handle and to try.
Aeroic Composites newsroom:
Well, this is the first time of writing any news, but news there is, as we constantly have new projects going, new processes working, and new models in the offing:
Model news:
Spada GoFast racer:
Testing has been completed, and we are well pleased with the results. A fully loaded F3f spec plane, this is a model that will fly as fast as you can fly it. Like all thoroughbreds it’s easy to fly and a pussycat to land. See more in the models section.
Availability: Now available in Light, Slope and SuperStrong versions from Aeroic distributors.
MU 32 4M (157”) Scale aerobatic model:
This is a true-scale replica of the famous MU32 developed for aerobatics by Akaflieg Munchen EV. At four metres, 157”, it’s a fairly large model and, like all Aeroic designs, is easy to convert to electric power by removing the nose. The wing aerofoil has been changed to a model type that will give a good glide but also allow some really nice aerobatics. Models will be available in S and SS versions.
Availability: The CAD has been completed, and the positives are due to be made at the beginning of May. Allowing for production mould manufacture and then prototype testing, we are hoping the models will be available sometime in the latter half of the year.
Please note that the MU32 model has been made possible with the kind assistance of Akaflieg Munchen: https://www.akaflieg.vo.tum.de/de/mue-32/
Typhoon MKII Toccata:
Wow, this model has been a long time coming! This is the upgrade or actually more like a complete replacement for the original RCRCM Typhoon 2M model.
I intentionally named this model “Toccata” as I hope it will be my best demonstration of applied aerodynamic and dynamic construction technology to date.:
What does Toccata mean?
Toccata, a musical form for keyboard instruments written in a free style that is characterized by full chords, rapid runs, high harmonies, and other virtuoso elements designed to show off the performer's “touch.” The earliest use of the term (about 1536) was associated with solo lute music of an improvisatory character.
Keeping the curves of the old model as much as possible, that’s about the only thing that remains similar between the two:
The new Toccata features:
One fuselage version for both glider and electric versions.
Round spinner adaptable nose (38mm).
No nose cone -canopy type.
New OLD (Optimised Lift Distribution) wing planform.
JH817 aerofoils suite.
Unique BSLD wing rigging.
Larger flaps.
Much larger wing joiner.
Wing ballast – fuselage can also have a ballast tube.
Elevator horizontal stabilizer – no more AMT.
Rudder and elevator servos in the fin.
Full carbon wing as standard on S and double carbon on SS versions.
Sine wave spar.
Aramid/glass nose.
LightStrong technology as standard.
Incidentally, the Toccata will be the very first conventional (i.e. not flying wing type) glider to incorporate BSLD technology in the wing design.
Prototypes of the Toccata have been produced and are on their way to the test teams.
Availability: Mid-April.
Sunfish…shhhh – a jet glider?
There is a possibility that maybe, just maybe, we might be considering a Jet glider. Model requirements and parameters are under discussion right now between myself and Red Jensen, Aeroic Chief Engineer. Watch this space!
Aeroic Composites newsroom:
Prototype Typhoon MKII Toccata is on its way to the USA! This prototype is a first in every way because it’s also the very first parts set out of the new moulds. Even with our long experience with new planes it’s unusual to get a complete set of parts from completely new untried moulds that are perfect in every way. Normally we’d have to adjust the layup a little or tweak something else, but not so with the Toccata. It’s good to go right out of the moulds. I hope this is an indication of how the test flights will go too!
I said new – well, that’s true. Apart from keeping some of the original outlines and general looks and “feel” of the old Typhoon, the new Toccata is new in just about every way possible. We are hoping the prototype will be among the Aeroic planes coming to Sunset with Red and Ryan – take a look! Take a feel! Have a wiggle on the sticks! Especially those of you who have flown the old Typhoon should be impressed with the upgraded performance of the all-new Toccata.