How They are built
Every Aeroic aircraft begins with old fashioned lines on paper. This is a great way to get a feel for the overall model in actual size and work out proper proportions.
These line drawings are then scanned and used as a basis to generate a fully surfaced and contoured CAD solid model. All features like servo hatches, holes, spar openings are added to the model as they will be in the final molded part.
With a fully defined solid CAD model, the tooling process can begin. Utilizing the latest in CNC cutting technology, a perfect positive pattern including all necessary features is machined out of high quality tooling board
Traditional composite negative molds are laid up from the precision CNC cut positive patterns. High quality gelcoat is used for the surface ensuring mirror-like finished parts and repeatability.
With tooling complete, actual part construction can begin. Using Aeroic’s proven layup schedules and quality control processes and procedures, each model is custom built to the customers requirements beginning with the paint scheme.
…and continuing with the various layups of different fabrics and cores to complete and join the parts to make up a completed model. The mouldings are cured and then a further tempering step is executed to ensure that the parts are stable in different temperatures. After the manufacturing processes are finished, the final trial assembly, fitting and packing is done and the model added to the customer’s order in a bonded store ready for shipping.
From incoming materials to the final model export, rigid SOP procedures, QC checks and careful inspections are performed, with any part that does not conform to a specific standard rejected. We want the flyers, you guys, to get the best we can make and we strive to improve quality on a daily basis.